Rediscovering Machins

When I started collecting stamps as a kid, these small stamps from Britain with the head of the queen were common stamps in the collection. While there were many different stamps, at that time these didn't catch my attention, probably because they were available in abundant supply in my and my friends' collections. As I restart my hobby, I am rediscovering these common stamps.

Machin (pronounced may-chin) are based on a sculpture by Arnold Machin and were first issued in 1967. I had no idea how about the intricacies of this series and am discovering how big this series is. From 1967 onwards, the machin series has evolved into many variations of denominations, colors, perforations, security features, any more. I found the Great Britain Machin website created and maintained by Robin Harris of great value. For examples, you can view how machins have evolved over time in the simple timeline of machins.

I am sure collecting the series and all its variations can take a lifetime. This seems like a subject that can be simple to start with and yet be of great depth to continue to delve into. So I start my journey of collecting machins with the few stamps that I have. First step is to print the free basic Machin album pages provided on Robin's website and printing Machin 101 pdf for reference.

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